Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Magazine Name Initial Ideas

1. Onyx
- Means dark or a pitch black. Dark colours are often associated with the genres that would be featured. It is also a type of gemstone which therefore gives it a slight mystic and superior sound.

2. Massacre
- A synonym of destruction. It represents the rebellious and dangerous nature of metal and rock genres. The word 'massacre' also could relate to blood and violence which links with the horror films that the intended audience enjoys watching. Disadvantage is that written down, some people may not know how to say the word, and therefore not get full connotations of the name.

3. Raven
- Similar to 'Onyx' in that has connotations of dark and pitch black colours. The raven symbol is also often associated with ill omens and this links with lots music in the darker genres of metal and rock.

4. Obsidian
- Obsidian is a dark black rock which relates to rock and metal genres. The sound of the word also sounds dark and rebellious. A disadvantage to this name is that it is quite long and complex for a magazine name.
5. Carnage
- Similar to the meaning of massacre. Gives an idea of chaos and mayhem that may be associated with metal and rock.

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