House Colours
I'm going to use a red, black and white colour scheme for the house style of my magazine. I feel that these colours reflect the dark alternative genres that my magazine will feature. The use of red is also a good colour that stands out and grabs peoples attention. This would be good for my chosen target market.
On my contents page I will use Niagara Solid for the page numbers of each article. The tall thin look gives it an exciting energetic feel.
For the headlines on the front cover I will use Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold. Like Niagara Solid, it is tall and thin, giving an exciting, energetic and loud feel. However I prefer to use this font for the headlines, as it is more simple and clean, making the words become the focus.
For text and article titles on the contents page, I plan to use a fairly simple and readable font. I will use Calibri in bold for the titles, and then normally for the rest of the text.
For the slug, I plan to use a red coloured, rounded rectangle that will feature words depending on the article. Each time it will always first feature my masthead, and then whatever category the article comes under. For example - Massacre Review, Massacre Gig Guide.