Thursday, September 11, 2014

Sixth Form Magazine Name

Originally I had more obvious and simple ideas for the name such as 'Downs Sixth' however most magazines have more abstract names that may not be directly obvious as to what it is about (e.g. Kerrang! , Empire, NME). This therefore inspired me to find more creative ideas. I looked at synonyms of the words 'enthusiasm' and 'education' , and came up with a list of possible ideas. I also added to the list some ideas revolving round the number six, and the idea of moving up, to link with Sixth Form.
  • Intellect - 'an educated person whose interests are studying'
  • Pep - 'lively spirits or energy'
  • Verve - 'enthusiasm or vigor'
  • Flair - 'a natural talent or ability'
  • Voyage - moving up and through your life
  • Sixth
I decided to narrow the list down to 'Pep' 'Verve' and 'Flair' and then ask a group of 15 and 16 year olds for their opinion. In the end 'Verve' was decided on. I chose this name because the meaning of the word fits perfectly with the 'enthusiasm' I want to portray through the magazine cover. However, even with not knowing what the word means, the sound of it flows well, fitting with a relaxed theme.

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